
Summer 2024

Enjoy recent photography throughout this issue of InterActs

The Evergreens, Maryland and Northeast Region Communities

Acts President's Award Winners

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2024 Acts ​President’s Award, the highest honor bestowed within our ​organization. This prestigious award recognizes team members who ​exemplify the Acts mission of outstanding service in "The Spirit of ​Loving-Kindness." Each year, nominees from our Acts communities, ​as well as corporate and regional support offices, are carefully ​evaluated based on a distinct set of criteria that reflects the ​exceptional qualities and dedication of our team members. ​Congratulations to all the 2024 President’s Award recipients! Your ​dedication and service continue to inspire us all.

Acts Prepared for Active Hurricane Season

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued its ​forecast for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, predicting an above-average ​number of storms. At Acts, preparing for severe weather events like ​hurricanes, tropical storms and tornadoes is a critical part of our campus ​safety operations. Our plans have been tested many times over the years, ​notably during Hurricanes Irma, Jeanne and Frances, which caused ​widespread damage and power outages throughout southeastern Florida. ​Thanks to our thorough preparations and the strength of the Acts team, our ​communities experienced minimal disruption during these major storms.

Our severe weather emergency plans involve a coordinated multi-state effort ​to ensure our communities are fully prepared to maintain adequate supplies, ​routine services, and a safe environment. Our Campus Assistance Team (CAT) ​coordinates the movement of additional needed assets to support a ​community through a storm event, including extra skilled laborers, portable ​generators, and equipment. These transition teams are strategically located ​within each region to offer immediate tactical support, should an emergency ​occur. Acts keeps family and friends updated on the status of communities ​before, during, and after the storm through our website and social media ​channels.

Whether this will be an active hurricane season or not, residents, team ​members and their families can rest assured knowing Acts is prepared to ​ensure their safety, comfort and security, regardless of what Mother Nature ​has in store.

Our Annual Report is Here!

We are excited to announce the release of the ​Acts Annual Report. This comprehensive ​document provides an in-depth financial overview ​of our organization and highlights the many ​accomplishments we achieved in 2023. We hope ​you find this report informative, inspiring and a ​true reflection of our unwavering dedication to ​fulfilling our mission.

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Acts President Delivers ​Commencement Address

We are thrilled to share that our very own President of ​Acts, Karen Christiansen, recently delivered the ​commencement speech at her alma mater, Gwynedd ​Mercy University! Karen’s dedication and leadership ​have been an inspiration to us all, and her words of ​wisdom and encouragement undoubtedly inspired the ​graduates. Congratulations Karen, and to the next ​generation of leaders from Gwynedd Mercy University!

Acts PA Golf Classic A Fantastic Success!

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the golfers, sponsors and volunteers for their incredible support of the Acts PA Golf Classic. It was a ​beautiful sunny day on the links for a great cause—raising funds for the Acts Samaritan Fund, which assists residents who outlive their ​financial resources. We are proud to share that this year’s event was sold out, and donations exceeded our expectations. This ​achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our golfers and sponsors. Thank you for making this ​event memorable and impactful!

Resident Spotlight

Finding her Field of Dreams

Evelyn Dugan has loved baseball her whole life, listening to Phillies ​games as a child and playing third base on her company’s softball ​team. After starting a family, she remained a devoted fan. Years ​later, on June 23rd, she found herself back on third base at Citizens ​Bank Park, celebrating her 45 years of service at the Warminster ​Food Bank.

Celebrating a Remarkable Journey

After nearly half a century of dedicated service, 89-year-old ​crossing guard and Spring House Estates Resident, Dorothy ‘Mi​ss Dottie’ Kalkbrenner, has decided to hang up her safety vest. Her​ unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of countless​ children has left an indelible mark on the community, guiding​ generations of students with her warm smile and caring heart.​ Dottie’s retirement marks the end of an era, but her legacy will live​ on in the countless lives she has touched. ​

Acts Welcomes Summer Interns

Acts is thrilled to welcome 16 interns for its 2024 Summer ​Internship Program. These promising young professionals were ​warmly welcomed at the Intern Orientation on May 31st, held at our ​Corporate Services Center. Interns based at the Corporate Services ​Center and Southampton Estates attended the orientation in ​person. Meanwhile, those at Azalea Trace, Bayleigh Chase, Country ​House, Matthews Glen, Manor House, Magnolia Trace, Park Pointe ​Village and St. Andrews Estates participated virtually, ensuring ​everyone was seamlessly integrated.

Acts Corporate University’s internship program is designed to ​foster the development of ambitious students across a variety of ​disciplines. This year’s interns are contributing to the following ​departments: Human Resources, Marketing, Communications, IT, ​Wellness/Health Services, Spiritual Life, Life Engagement, Sales, ​Hospitality and Fitness. The interns will collaborate with their ​assigned preceptors in their respective departments, aiming to ​complete up to 250 hours over the summer. This hands-on ​experience will be invaluable as they develop their professional ​skills and knowledge.

Acts Fun Facts!

What is the primary reason residents move to Acts?


To put a plan in place so that I, my children, or family and friends don’t have to worry


A good financial decision/security for my future


A beneficial lifestyle

Ministry Moment with Rev. Dr. Alfred Muli,

Acts Corporate Director of Spiritual Life

Philippines Organic Holy Cross

I want to share a story to highlight the importance of positive thinking. And right at the outset, let ​me clarify that, positive thinking differs from wishful thinking. In wishful thinking, people formulate ​ideas and beliefs in their minds that are meant to bring about a desired outcome. However, those ​beliefs tend to be completely out of touch with reality and contrary to reason. Positive thinking, ​however, is a deliberate choice, to focus your mind and energy on the positive side of life without ​necessarily escaping the reality of its negative side.

To illustrate, here's a story from my college days in Kenya. I played center forward for our soccer ​team and during the 1989 inter-college finals, I was chosen to take a critical penalty kick. The ​pressure was enormous and the tension so high. The referee placed the ball in the penalty circle and ​blew the whistle, and there I was—me, the ball, and the goalkeeper. With the adrenaline running so ​high, I kicked the ball so hard that it went flying above the goal posts. Words could not describe my ​devastation. I let down my team, my coach, my college, everyone. But very quickly, I realized ​exactly what went wrong. I failed to heed the advice of my coach, that, “When you take a penalty ​kick, focus on where you want the ball to go, not where you don’t want it to go.” But with the ​pressure of the moment, I focused on where I didn’t want the ball to go. I focused on the negative.

Certainly, God does not want us to be unrealistic about the negative side of life. Nevertheless, he ​wants us to think positively about life. The Apostle Paul, in Philippians 4:8, gives us 8 positive things ​which we should think about. He says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is ​noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is ​excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” The reason is because positive thinking has ​many benefits: it reduces stress and increases joy. It decreases complaint and promotes gratitude. It ​minimizes self-righteousness and fosters Loving-Kindness. So, let’s make it a habit to practice ​positive thinking.

Thank you, and God bless!

Coming Soon to your TV

The Acts team partnered with creative agency Market Connections and Bonesteel Films to produce new TV commercials ​on location at Fairhaven and Buckingham’s Choice. These new ads feature Acts residents living the life they love. The new ​TV spots will air in July in several media markets. Stay tuned and enjoy this behind the scenes preview.

Acts Wins National ​Mature Media Awards

We are delighted to share that Acts was a winner in the 2024 National Mature ​Media Awards, honoring the nation's best marketing, communications, ​educational materials, and programs designed for older adults. Selected by a ​distinguished panel of mature market experts across the United States, these ​prestigious awards highlight outstanding achievements in design, content, ​creativity, relevance, and overall quality. Acts had a total of 9 winning entries ​from engaging corporate communications materials to impactful advertising and ​marketing campaigns:

  • Annual Report: Acts Annual Report
  • TV Advertising: Age is Just a Number
  • Digital Publication: Acts Annual Report
  • Digital Publication: InterActs
  • Marketing/Ad Campaign: Live the Life You Love
  • E-Newsletter: Acts Annual Report
  • E-Newsletter: InterActs
  • Social Media: Acts Instagram
  • Total Program: Acts Blue Zones Marketing Campaign

Congratulations to our Corporate Communications and Marketing teams who ​have created a memorable identity for Acts!

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Help Us Grow the Acts Family!

Join us in expanding the Acts family! We offer special financial incentives when you refer a prospective resident or a new team member. ​For all the details about our referral program, stop by the community sales center or community administration office today!

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